How a Disney Song Keeps Us Connected

Matt started this thing with Addie, where he dances with her while singing “I Know You” from Sleeping Beauty.  He sings as they sway and twirl, he dips her and she squeals.  It never fails to put a smile on all of our faces.  About a year ago, right after we moved back to Iowa Addie started prompting Matt to dance with me and sing.  She’d let out an excited, “Daddy, dance with Mommy and sing, I know you.” and he would.  He’d grab me and serenade me as we swayed.  Then Addie would let out a, “Now dip her!” and he would dramatically dip me.  I’m sure Addie did this because she found it amusing but for me, it gave Matt and I an opportunity to just stop and reconnect, even if just for that minute.

How A Disney Song Keeps Us Connected.

A simple Disney song helps us stop and connect in our marriage, despite what might be going on around us. On the blog I'm telling you how.

I didn’t realize at the time, how important this one song would become for us.  Now, whenever we seem to need it the most, Addie will let out her command for Matt to dance with me and whatever we’re doing or going through falls away in that moment, and we dance.  What I love about this is that it doesn’t matter if we’re crying, or having a disagreement or just having a blah day, in that moment, we stop and connect.  In that moment we are just two people in love, acknowledging that we are there for each other.

Now I look forward to these moments.  When I hear Addie’s little voice ring out with, “Daddy, dance with mommy and sing, I know you.”, I get excited.  I get excited to let everything fall away, even if just for a minute I get to just be with my husband.  This amazing man who makes me laugh and shows me kindness when I don’t deserve it, who holds me when I cry and works so very hard to take care of me and our daughter.  In that short moment, when we’re dancing and he’s serenading me, it’s just us.  We may immediately step back into our busy and distracted lives, but we had that one moment where we got to connect.

A Disney song helps my husband and I connect during the chaos of life and parenthood.

Staying Connected In Your Relationship.

I think it’s so important for couples to find little moments like these, whatever they may be, where they just stop and really see each other.  Too often in our busy lives, we forget to really connect with each other.  We’re too busy running from place to place, taking care of children, racing off to work, or staring at our phones or the tv.  We forget to nurture that love that brought us together in the first place.  Not everyone can afford a date night out, or surprise gift but we all can take one minute to just stop and dance.

What special little moment do you share with your significant other to stay connected? Let me know what your “Disney Song” is in the comments below.




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