Who Do You Keep Trying For? The Infertility Struggle.

As hard as it is to suffer through Infertility, it's equally as hard to decide when it's time to let go of your dream of having a child. On the blog I'm talking about the process I'm going through to

It took us 3 years to conceive our daughter. It has now been 4 years since we decided we wanted to add to our family. As the years added on I convinced myself that I was Infertile, Inadequate, and a Failure. I lost track of the fact that I can get pregnant, that I can have a healthy pregnancy and bring a life into this world. I no longer was looking to get pregnant for me.

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When You Think About Sex, Do You Think About Infertility?

When you’re a couple, struggling to get pregnant it’s so easy to fall into the sex is work rut, especially if you’re talking in terms of years. I love my husband so much and we’re still very connected but something has been damaged in our intimate relationship. No matter how I try I can’t completely shake the blah woman who just cares about the end result of getting pregnant.

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