Infertility Is Not Something To Be Ashamed Of

I struggle with Infertility. For a long time, that phrase made me feel ashamed. I thought there was something wrong with me as a woman because I couldn’t do the very thing I was created to do, carry a child. I would dread the inevitable and highly personal question, “When are you guys going to have a baby?” At the beginning of our marriage, I would deflect it with something about us wanting to enjoy being a couple. Then as the years progressed I would answer with, “Once Matt is finished with school.” Once those excuses didn’t apply anymore I’d simply say, “oh you know, one day.” Each time that question was aimed at me it was like a dagger to my heart and I felt like they must know my dirty little secret, I couldn’t have a baby.

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Nine Years Of Marriage. Our Love Story

Two big moves, Infertility, lots of tears and laughter and nine years of marriage. I'm sharing our love story on the blog!

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m married to my college sweetheart, Matt. Today marks our 9-year wedding anniversary and almost 13 years together, so in honor of that, I wanted to share our story. I always love sharing this story, and can’t wait to tell it to Addie one day because, to me, our start is a bit comical. We met in college, he was a frat boy and I was a sorority girl.

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