When You Think About Sex, Do You Think About Infertility?

When you’re a couple, struggling to get pregnant it’s so easy to fall into the sex is work rut, especially if you’re talking in terms of years. I love my husband so much and we’re still very connected but something has been damaged in our intimate relationship. No matter how I try I can’t completely shake the blah woman who just cares about the end result of getting pregnant.

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An Impatient Person In A Chaotic World

The hardest thing about being such an impatient person is that I recognize my behavior in my daughter’s actions. Nothing will punch you in the gut like having your less than desirable traits mirrored back to you through your children. The worst part is that I have no right to be mad when she acts that way because I’m the same way, of course she thinks it’s okay. Gut punch and parent fail.

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