Share A Delicious And Cozy Valentine’s Date On A Budget

Valentine's Day is about being with the one you love, how much you spend doing that shouldn't be the point. On the blog I'm sharing how you can have a delicious and cozy Valentine's Date on a budget.

Matt and I would love to get dressed up and go out to a nice restaurant. We also would love to move into our own house. Matt and I didn’t want to sacrifice our special Valentine’s night though. So we found a way to still save money for a house and get our special night, we just had to adjust the specifics a bit. Matt and I LOVE wine and cheese. Do two things go together any better? That’s when we came up with the idea of a date night in with a bottle of wine and a meat and cheese board.

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How Do You Seize The Seasons Of Your Life?

Look too far ahead or behind, and we risk missing the joy intended for here and now. There’s a certain richness in today that may never be around again. ~Joanna Gaines

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